Complete Coaching

A straightforward and comprehensive approach to building the career you’ve always dreamed of.


You landed here because you realize DIY won’t cut it when it comes to taking this critical step.

Whether you just graduated, are early in your professional life, or in a mid-career transition, you are here to get the help you need to Ignite Your Career!

Our Complete Coaching package offers you the value of having a knowledgeable and trusted expert by your side to:

  • Define and leverage your unique “strengths and superpowers”

  • Determine potential career options

  • Show you how to build quality tools and techniques to optimize your job search

  • Advise you at the most critical points on your journey

The stakes are high when you are launching your career or making a significant career change. For many it is overwhelming. For some, it can even be paralyzing.

The Complete Coaching package will give you the help and confidence you need to take that first (or next) big step.

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The Complete Coaching package will give you…

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A clear career roadmap

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Objective insights about your strengths

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A winning resume

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The edge in your interviews

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Effective negotiation skills

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A trusted advisor to tie it all together

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Does this sound like you?

Because right now it’s all so overwhelming, that you know that without the right action you won’t achieve your goals. According to Gallup, two-thirds of Americans are disengaged from their work.

So, how do you become one of the few who love what they do?

First, you have to discover what you are truly good at and love to do. Then, you need to develop the best-in-class skills to find the job that lets you do it.

Just as we work with our candidates every step of the way, we will be your partner in your search. We will guide you to realize your superpowers and assess the types of roles that will leverage them. Then we will help you create the tools and build the capabilities to get the job you want! 


Complete Coaching combines all of our bestselling modules focused on resume optimization, interview prep, and negotiation skills with personalized, strengths-based coaching by either a team member or Kris Holmes herself.


Strategic Evaluation

Strength assessment and how to leverage superpowers

Phase of career and career goal setting

Access to "How and Why to Network" seminar

Access to "How Best to Apply for Roles" seminar

Total 5 Hours with Expert

$1400 value



Full Resume Writing Package

Resume seminar, guidelines and Resume Chapter from Ignite Your Career!

Counseling, formatting and final review including up to hour advisory session

$500 value

Full Interview Prep Package

Interview Seminars 1 & 2, and Interview Chapter from Ignite Your Career!

One hour of live coaching to include mock interview or issue evaluation

$500 value

Full Negotiation Package

Negotiation Seminar and Negotiation Chapter from Ignite Your Career!

one hour of live coaching to crystallize negotiation strategy and evaluate offer

Assistance on how to resign

$500 value

That’s a $2900 value, yours for:


with Ignite Team Counselor


with author Kris Holmes

We understand this is a big commitment. If you’d like to chat with someone before moving forward, please contact us.

We guarantee that we will help you develop you the tools you need to find and get a job. We will deliver best practices, help you identify your strengths and potential future direction and build a world class resume, interview prep, negotiation, networking and how to apply for roles.  Ultimate success depends on your efforts and commitment to the process and whether you are applying to roles for which you have relevant experience.